Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sarah Palin Quits

Sarah Palin quits her Governors position. Why isn't this shocking news? Because it fits with her "I am going to take my ball and go home" personality. Sarah has always portrayed herself to be prettier, smarter, holier and better than most everyone else. Too bad those traits were only in her mind. When anyone proved that she wasn't as superior in real life as she viewed herself she would whine. Katie Couric treated me unfairly with her questions that I was not smart enough to answer. John McCains people didn't portray me in the right light, it is their fault we lost the election. The republican party wants me to speak at a dinner Ok I'll do it, no I wont, you betcha I will, can't make it, what do you mean they found a different speaker, I AM SARAH PALIN. David Letterman made fun of my family and I want an apology. that apology is not good enough I want a better one. David get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness. Forget it I don't forgive you no matter what you do. Alaska legislature wont back my bad ideas fine I quit.

Rush Limpdick thinks this a good move on Mrs. Palins part. "If anything this woman's M. O. is outside-the-box, not formulaic" Rush said ( I could not find the word Formulaic in the dictionary , Rush just makes up words to sound impressive but I digress) . She is proving she should be inside a box, a padded box. Insane people are not formulistic, their thoughts are helter skelter just like Sarah's thoughts.

Sarah says she did not want to be a lame duck Governor. So don't be a lame duck Governor. Do your job. Get along with the other elected officials and work to pass legislation that is good for the State of Alaska. When the going gets tough Sarah Palin quits. I will say one thing for her no one will be able to pin any of her failed policies on her because from here on out Alaska's problems are not hers any more they are the new governors problems.

Lets review Sarah's qualifications for President.
Beauty Queen; No bearing on Presidential Qualification.
Education; Communications degree. My father would say she might as well get a degree in basket weaving.
Political accomplishments; Mayor of a small town in Alaska, Governor for half a term before she quit. Pretty much has been as useless as tits on a bull.
Gets along well with others, Not.
Family; Hen pecked husband, Unwed teenage pregnant daughter, parade autistic child around for sympathy votes.
If she runs for President you betcha she is not getting my vote. Quitter.

1 comment:

  1. MC,
    Agreed. The Republican party is in shambles- come on- was this the best they could do?
    She is dumb as a stick! Good riddance!
