Friday, January 9, 2009

Sarah Palin Whines

Sarah Palin still has not learned to keep her mouth shut, regroup and come back later as a credible candidate. This bimbo keeps shooting off her mouth on silly little trivial matters that no one cares about and that will eventually kill her chance at running for any other public office in the future. Sarah then will whine that she was treated unfairly again. I can't take a woman serious that wants to play ball with the big boys then whines about how she was mistreated by the media. Who can take this woman serious in her politics when she is obsessed with the way the media treated her. You are in politics bitch get some thicker skin or grow some balls. Hillary has thick enough skin not to care what people say about her and the balls to come after you if you did say it. Grow some balls and quit your whining

Katie Couric and Tina Fey did not use you. You were trying to use them but you were not savvy enough to pull it off and it backfired on you. As a matter of fact the best thing to happen to you was that Tina Fey played you on SNL, that was the best you came off in the whole campaign. Your popularity soared after Fey portrayed you. I was actually pissed that a Left Wing show like SNL gave you so much airtime. Yes it was a Left Wing conspiracy, SNL never made fun of Hillary or Bill. Oh Please, quit your whining.

Palin recently said that Carolyn Kennedy is getting preferential treatment from the media because of her family name and because she is a Democrat. Oh Please! Carolyn Kennedy has been mocked for her speech patterns and for her lack of response to questions as to what she stands for on political questions. That doesn't sound like preferential treatment to me. That sounds like whoe is me I lost and now I will blame everyone but myself, quit your whining!

Sarah you were running for the second highest office in the world, you don't see a difference between the office of Vice President and a US Senator? No one knew who you were when you were Governor of Alaska just like no one knows who half of the US Senators are unless they get caught in some sort of scandal. Speaking of scandal how is your daughters drug addicted soon to be mother in-law? I would be more concerned about my daughter marrying a GED educated electrician with the fine pedigree that he comes from than what the press did or did not do during your campaign. You Betcha. Get your family together before you even think of running for a higher political office again. If you can't even run your family how are you supposed to be trusted to run the country? The media is picking on me and my family, wha ,wha, wha, shut up and quit your whining.

You also mentioned class separation in reference to Carolyn Kennedy. You have no class you sold out your family by telling everyone how proud you were of your pregnant daughter then after the public back lash you blamed it on the press for leaking the story. You flaunted your autistic child for sympathy votes. You are a back woods hill jack that needs to keep her mouth shut before you ruin your political career and your family. The only whine you should have is with the Republican Party who used you for what you are a pretty face, no brains, no experiance and no penis, just a pretty face. You will never stand next to a Condoleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton or a Nancy Pelosi you are not in their league. You are small time. You had your 15 minutes of fame now quit your whining and go away.

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