Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Obama

Thank God we have a new President. I don't believe there is a person in the United States that can wish that President Bush would have stayed in office any longer. We needed a change. The Bush policies of deregulation got us into a hell of a mess. The rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer and the middle class was falling behind. The oil tycoons and Haliburton were getting more and more wealthy every day. The blue collar workers were being held hostage and asked to cut their wages and benefits while executives prospered with huge bonuses from failing companies.

People are already claiming that President Obama wants to steer the country towards Socialism. I don't believe that to be true. President Obama wants health care for any one who doesn't have it right now. He also wants stipulations on any bailout money that he is going to be handing out. That is not Socialism.

Bush gave 350 billion dollars away and know one can account for where it went or how it is helping the economy recover. President Obama is willing to give 350 billion dollars away with strings attached so that the American people can get an accounting of how the money is being used. My tax dollars are being used I want to know how it is benefiting me. If you do not like the strings that are attached then don't ask for the money. Socialism is if the government forcefully takes over all the banks for the good of the people. But, if the banks come willingly to get bailout money with strings attached that is not socialism. No one is begging the capitalists to take the bailout money. I wish that they would not take the money and that the banks could get themselves out of trouble but they can't or won't.

When bush first came up with the bailout plan I hoped and prayed that he was right and that his policy would work. I pretty much over the years have come to the opinion that Bush was an idiot but, I still wanted his policies to work so that all Americans could prosper. Wanting a President to succeed, even when he doesn't have the same ideals as me, as an individual, is what being a true American, a true Patriot is all about. To wish that the President fails is Treason; its unamerican, its unpatriotic. The President is running America and by wishing that he fails you are wishing that the United States fail. You might as well throw the flag on the ground and stomp on it. I will defend a persons right to freedom of speech but, if you are hoping that America is going to fail because you are not of the same political party as the President, then I pray that you die a painful death from cancer soon. Lets rid this country of this pox.

You Ditto Heads need to pull your heads out of your ass and realize how putrid your leader is to this country. He makes up facts to fit his argument for the day. He is a rabble rouser who is going to undermine the American Government. He uses his audience to spew hatred towards other Americans. He tries to break down the system so that it doesn't work. He is pushing for Anarchy. Ask yourself why?

Rush Limpdick is a very wealthy person who will not personally benefit from any of the Presidents new tax cuts. Since this selfish, blow hard will not benefit from any of the new economic policies, he is trying to convince his ditto sheep that the new political regime is bad. If the ditto sheep could think for themselves, they would find that the new regime is going to benefit 95% of them. Rather than do a little research and be able to think for themselves they would rather drink the Rush Kool-aid and spew the same false hoods that their leader is spewing.

I will defend your right of freedom of speech but make sure your facts are correct. Freedom of speech is not the freedom to tell lies. If you are quoting Rush Limpdick then you better check your facts because much of what he says are out and out lies or twisted truths. You will sound uneducated if you blindly go around quoting this miscreant. I have caught so many of you sheep in the past two years telling Rush lies. When confronted with the true facts, it is funny to see your heads cock to the side and your mouths drop open and your eyes roll slowly around in your head and you kind of stutter because you finally are having to think for yourself. It is so precious to sacrifice a right wing lamb.

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