Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Since President Obama started to run for President I started to receive bigoted e-mails disguised as jokes. I was hoping that once he became the most powerful man in the world that the bigotry towards at least Obama the man would stop. It hasn't it has gotten worse. In the past week here are some of the disgusting e-mails that I have received.

We should start looking for a new President now. When was the last time you knew of a N****r to hold a job for four years.

Pictures of the White House in total decay, weeds in the burned out grass, paint peeling, a rusted pool with dirty water. You get the idea.

The inn***eration.

What do you call Barrack Obama now that he is President, N****r

Explain to me how 2 million blacks can go to Washington in 8 degree weather but, 200,000 blacks could not get out of New Orleans in good weather with 5 days notice.

Do you know why it is cold and snowy outside? For 200 years white people have been saying that it will be a cold day in hell before a black man becomes President.

I had one good Republican tell me that he was glad that Obama had won the Presidency. He has to succeed otherwise he will fuck it up for the rest of the N****rs.

I don't care if you are Democrat or Republican if you are a decent human being you can't find any of these remarks funny. Personally they turn my stomach. Why would anyone pass this garbage on in an e-mail? I am asking for an explanation if anyone has one.

I could kind of understand if the e-mails were coming from uneducated white males who grew up in a black neighborhood where they were persecuted for being a minority. That is not who is sending this shit. No, this crap is being sent by college educated, white males, who have enlisted in the military and served as civil servants. These same people will exclaim "God Bless America" the greatest country on earth. But they will not stand behind a Harvard educated man because he is half black. If you fought for this nation, doesn't that mean that you fought for all people of this nation not just the white ones. If you are a civil servant that means you have a big enough heart to want to help people, all people not just the white ones. If you are college educated you should be smart enough to know this stuff is not funny.

I have been told to lighten up, that all of these "jokes" are meant to be funny, I am too serious, I can't take a joke. If you know me, you know I love to laugh. Bigotry is not funny. It is 2,009, it is time to judge men for their accomplishments and not by the color of their skin. E-mails like the ones mentioned above go straight to my trash file they don't get passed along. I hope more people will do the same.

P.S. I don't mean to offend any one and I am not pointing a finger at any one, I just don't want to be confronted by the bigoted e-mails any more. Do not pass them along, just keep them under your pointy white hats.


  1. I am a friend of Kimme's. She turned me on to your blog because she thought I would like your bit on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I did. But I must tell you, I was moved to tears by your blog on bigotry. I, too, have noticed an increase in bigoted emails. I simply block those senders. Even old friends. If they believe that crap, I don't want them as friends. Thank you for standing up for your beliefs. And thank you to Kimme for turning me on to your blog.

  2. RT welcome aboard and I appreciate your comment. I hope to spur others to think and comment with there heads or with their hearts.
