Thursday, June 16, 2011

Miami Heat Lose Playoffs

Yes the big three of the Miami Heat lost to the whole team of the Dallas Mavericks or like we like to call them the Mavaliers.  Miami fans thought they were going to be like the Yankees of MLB and buy a championship.  No matter how much money you spend on great players you still can't program what is between their ears.  Wade, The Wanna Be and The Other Guy might be good players but their mind's and their ego's get in the way.  They all want the ball at some time and if they don't get it I know one of them for sure will pout.

Yes, Lebaby does have a history of pouting.  He also does not like to be coached.  Back in High School Lebron was playing in a championship game and Drew Joyce the coach tried to tell Lebron how to close out the game.  Lebron did not listen to the coach because he knew better and they lost the game.  Mike Brown tried to coach Lebron during the Boston Cleveland finals and Lebron waved him off and did what he wanted.  Rumor has it that Shaq then stepped in in the locker room and told Lebron that Mike Brown was the coach and that the team as a whole needed to listen to him.  Lebron went out and stunk up the arena, pissed off the fans, his teammates and the coach ( yet in Cleveland we were willing to forgive him). 

Then LeBron waits until after all of the good free agents were picked and announces that he is taking his talents to South Beach.  A childish move.  So he moves to Miami and all of the ESPN pundits trip over themselves telling anyone who will listen how great the three players are.  Halfway through the season those same pundits started making excuses for the three great players who were only playing mediocre.  Then they started to gel.  But come playoff time there was something amiss they were winning but not huge like everyone thought they would. 

Now here comes David to Goliath.  A little hyped team who has failed before with some old guys who were good but never superstars like the Big Three.  But what the Mav's had was heart, desire and an unselfish style of ball where if one man was down the others picked him up and carried him until he got back on track.  Yes "Old School" Basketball, team play, move the ball, take good shots by anyone who is open not designated players.  The whole team cheered each other on and did not worry about statistics.  All they wanted to do was win, any way they can.

I knew that Dallas was going to win as soon as D Wade went into Lebron's room after game five and tried to tell Lebron how to play the game.  As soon as Lebron needed to be coached he shut down and blew the game for Miami.  He refuses to listen to anyone.  He knows better.  Lebron's name should not be mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippin, he is no where near as good as either of them were.

Well Miami you are stuck with him now.  The best you can hope for is that your front office trades Lebron for Dwight Howard straight up.  Believe me you will be getting the better of the deal.  And trust me as long as Lebron keeps his "I am better than everybody alive" attitude he will never have a ring unless someone else wins it for him.

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