Monday, October 12, 2009

GOP The Unamerican Party

The wing nuts on the right, the radical right, the ditto sheep have become totally anti American. They cheer wildly when the United States loses the bid for the Olympics and they boo and criticize our President when he wins the Nobel Peace Award. Love it or leave it you bunch of white, fat cat, rich, lying, sodomites, who are pushing for anarchy. Rush, Beck Hannity and Steele all scream that there is too much government. They wish and pray that the President fails. They side with the French and the post Hitler Germans that say Obama does not deserve the Peace Prize. Russia, Cuba and Africa are all more willing to sit down and talk about peace now than in the past eight years. There has been dialogue between Palestine and Israel. In their hatred of a Black President the Republicans have lost sight of the fact that we are all Americans and should be proud when the world recognizes America for being the greatest nation in the world by honoring our President.

The United States and the world is in an economic crisis and the US getting the Olympics would have been an honor and a positive boost to the economy. The wing nuts on the right cheer the United States failure to land the Olympics. They cheer failure and refuse to get involved in any forms of bipartisan discussions. Disgusting, it turns my stomach to think that these people are even allowed in this country.

The NRA and the Radical Right used their scare tactics on their members in order to make record profits for the gun industry. As soon as Obama was elected the NRA and the radical right started to cry that the Obama regime was going to tax bullets so that people would not be able to afford them. The Administration was going to enact a law that all ammunition was going to have to have to be marked so that it would be traceable, therefor driving up the price and making ammunition unaffordable. The Government has been so busy trying to fix the economy and Health Care that they must have forgot about the bullets. The only thing that has happened is that the Right wing has scared all of the gun owners to go out and buy ammunition which depleted the supply and raised the demand so prices have skyrocketed. If you can even find a load for your gun it has probably doubled in price. In these hard economic times the gun industry is posting record profits thanks to the ditto sheep. Thank you Right wing radical liars for doubling the cost of me killing ground hogs. Hunting season is almost here and the deer should be happy that hunters can not afford to buy ammunition for their guns because of the underhanded tactics of the Right. To take hunting away from the people of the United States is disgusting and a disgrace, the NRA and the Radical Right should be ashamed of themselves. They are not ashamed, they are laughing all the way to the bank. Unamerican Bastards.

So the Republicans laugh and mock our president for winning awards and receiving world wide recognition for doing good. I guess they want a President that is hated and feared around the world. And how did that work out for us in the past? They cheer that a foreign country gets to host the Olympics. The GOP scares their constituents into buying ammunition and guns at higher than market prices, resulting in huge profits for the gun industry, by lying to Americans. They say no to fixing Health Care and lie about death panels. They refuse to even get into talks about how to fix the economy and then cry bipartisanship. And when the GOP was in power lied about weapons of mass destruction so that they could start a war that has cost Trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives and achieved little.

I am glad to say that I belong to the party that has not given up on Health Care reform. Hasn't given up on trying to boost the economy. The party that doesn't have to lie and scare its constituents into voting their way so that they can make the biggest profits while the workers starve. Yes Obama has not fixed all of the problems of the United States but he has only been in office 10 months while the Republicans had 12 years to screw it up. At least Obama doesn't have to lie to the people to get his way. Mr. President, congratulations on your award the true Americans are proud of you.


  1. Dear M.C.
    Amen brother! I couldn't agree more. I have been a gun owner for many, many years and the NRA has always been trying the same, tired, scare tactics. It doesn't matter who is holding office- the NRA wants you to believe they will take your guns away. Who believes them any more? Apparently enough nuts to drive up the price of guns and ammo! Later,

  2. Well the Radicle Right and the NRA had something more to rally around this time, the President was black and liberal. I think the black had more to add to the fear of the lunatic fringe than anything else. I love my guns but refuse to be coerced by fear.

  3. Sarah's "Going Rogue" really got up in your crawl space! I didn't read the book and I probably never will. I don't see her running for President in 2012. If she does, there is going to be a more qualified women up there running against her. I believe Sarah fights for what she believes in, although she lacks n good judgement. I also think she was on a power trip for some time, which tarnished her judgement calls. She may be a good people person, but she does not know how to balance herself. She would not make a good president. She would not even come close to walking Obama shoes. I think Obama is doing just fine. He has taken on so many issues, and he has just finished his first year. I think he is going strong. People need to remember he's not just going up a mole hill. He's going up a mountain............

  4. Sarah Palin is one of my easiest targets because she is a ditz. I am just amazed at how many people think she is smart enoughe to run this country. Those are the people that scare me.
