Jim Bunning has stood up and stopped a vote from being conducted for the passage of an extension to unemployment benefits. He claims he wont allow a vote until the legislature can show how they are going to pay for the 8 Billion dollar extension. Not one GOP member tried to talk Senator Bunning out of his power play. Not one GOP member has come out and spoke out against Jim Bunning. Do Mr. Bunning and the GOP even have a clue how much pain and suffering is going to be unleashed across the United States if unemployment benefits are disrupted for even only one week to the 1.1 Million of unemployed workers. Unemployed workers who have already been cut to the bone by a lack of jobs that the GOP and their cronies have created. Kids will have to go without good meals, bills will have to go unpaid and, medication will have to go unbought pain and suffering will rain down on the already downtrodden.
The Bush Administration gave away close to a Trillion Dollars to the banks and the insurance companies without any stipulations. Just gave it away. Obama then gave the banks and the insurance companies over a Trillion dollars with stipulations that the GOP thought was unfair. Not that he was giving the money to the "Money Changers" and the Insurance People but that he was putting stipulations on the money so that the money might be repaid to the American People. A bank and or an insurance company produces nothing. They make nothing. They add nothing to exports to other nations, and yet they were too important to let fail. Now we come to the American unemployed worker and we are looking at 8 Billion Dollars, less than 1% of what was loaned to the banks and insurance companies, and these jackals known as the Republican party block a vote from taking place to help. ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS. If you want to get money into circulation plus help the unemployed give them the money they need to spend it out of necessity. The Banks have locked up all of the money giving to them and are not handing out loans to even rich people with good credit. All those Trillions of dollars only helped a select few rich people it did not help the economy.
The Banks and Insurance Companies reward their employees with Billions of dollars in bonuses per year even when the banks were failing. Congressmen and Senators when they do a bad job we have to wait until the next election then vote them out of office and they are punished with a nice pension and health insurance for the rest of their lives. Their is no punishment for ineptness in any of these situations. Everyone just keeps getting rewarded for being stupid, for playing games, for running America down the drain. The only people that get punished are the middle class and poor Americans. We keep paying with the sweat off our brows and blood in our veins for the rich and powerful in this country.
Well I am finally fed up with it all. The last time I looked all of the Right Wing pundits were completely wrong and Obama did nothing to prevent me and all Americans from bearing arms. It is time to punish the banking and insurance company CEO's. It is time to make Congressmen and Senators pay for not protecting our American way of life. Yes it is time for the REVOLUTION. If we take a Jim Bunning and maybe a couple other of his friends and shoot them and hang them in Public Square, or better yet on the mall in front of the Capital Building maybe the rest will start to do what is right. Maybe the rest of the Congressmen and Senators will realize that there are consequences to their decisions and they will start to work for the good of America and stop punishing the small and downtrodden American blue collar constituents. Shoot a couple of bank CEO's and hang their bodies on Wall Street and maybe instead of rewarding stupidity with Million Dollar bonuses they will raise the interest paid on a savings account which would help the American population.
These thief's, these robbers, these crooks, need to be stopped before they completely wash America down the drain. At this point in time things have gotten so out of control the only answer is REVOLUTION. Block the Drain with the blood of the people who have gotten us here, our elected officials. They must be punished. My father told me when I was a young man never mess with a mans paycheck. Well you just messed with thousands of peoples paychecks and now you must pay. Vote nonincumbant get rid of professional politicians. Rise up my people rise up, bear arms if you must, the time is now to revolt.
PS: This has to be one of the biggest bonehead moves that I have seen come out of either party. By no way am I saying that the Democrats are innocent in their folly, they just were not the ones to blame for sticking it to the American People this time. If a Nancy Pelosi gets caught in the cross fire I would not be upset. The great Philosopher John Lennon warned that their was going to be a Revolution.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Failure of American Politicians
If you have been elected to a public office in the past decade you have let the American people down. It doesn't matter if you are Democrat, Republican or Independent. Right Wing, Left Wing or Centrist. Capitalist, Socialist or Communist. It doesn't matter, you have failed the American people and you have failed at what you were elected to do. You were elected to run the greatest, most prosperous country in the world and to keep it the greatest and most prosperous country in the world. You have failed. Why have we failed?
Our forefathers set up a Democracy where a two and sometimes three party system evolved. An exchange of ideas was supposed to take place and a compromise was supposed to be reached that would benefit and be for the good of the American people. All parties were working for the good of the American people. Since the Nixon administration our government has been degenerating into a bunch of spoiled school children that don't care about anything but themselves. Our Professional Politicians are more worried about filling their war chests for the next election than they are about the issues at hand. They need to take care of lobbyist and special interest groups who have money that can be funneled into their campaigns for reelection. Pork barrel and earmarks stall and overwhelm our economy not for the good of the majority of people but for the good of the politician and his wealthy influential friends.
Filibusters have reached an all time high where over 80% of all Bills in the past year were filibustered by the Republicans. I hear the Democrats rubbing their hands together waiting for me to pounce on their obstructionist opponents. Not today. Filibusters have been on a rise for the past decade which means that the Democrats started filibustering more and more Bills while they were the minority party during the Bush years. The Republicans have just taken it a step farther than the Democrats. Is the filibuster being done for the good of the American people? NOOOO. It is being done trying to disgrace the opposite party, so in the next election the Professional Politician can claim that the other party didn't get anything accomplished. In reality nobody accomplished anything other than take a paycheck out of my pocket.
No Politician is concerned about the American people any more and that is why we are in the mess we are in. They are too concerned about keeping their jobs and not about the issues. Politicians are not graded on their performance. They are graded on their looks and on how much money they can raise for their next campaign. Very few times does a candidate with less money in their war chest, than their opponent, win an election.
Voting along party lines does not help the American people either. It is done to preserve the Ideals of the radical Right and the radical Left. Most Professional Politicians come from the far Right or the far Left there are very few true centrists in politics. Yet I believe that around 70% of the American population falls somewhere in the middle, with 15% each going to the extreme Right or Left. So why don't these Professional Politicians do what would be good for 70% of the country and find some middle ground to agree on? Because they need the party backing for their next election. Independents don't usually win elections as is evident by the lack of number of them.
Most politicians are not good businessmen as is evident by the number of bankruptcies filed by congressmen and senators. So why are we entrusting these men with Trillions of dollars with no consequences if they fail to spend the money wisely, when they can't even take care of their own finances. Most politicians as a matter of fact are Attorneys not businessmen.
I think we need to get rid of PERS and have all public employees be dependent on Social security like the rest of us. I feel that all congressmen and senators should have to purchase their own health insurance like a private contractor has to. Any laws passed by Congress and the Senate should pertain to the politicians who pass them as well as all the rest of Americans. Lets stop letting Politicians who are not affected by certain laws vote on these issues. If they have such good ideas on what we need, then how come they are not covered by the same retirement system and insureance as we the people are? What makes them so special? Why don't they like the plans they have stuck us with? Things have got to change.
Any politician that votes strictly along party lines needs to be voted out of office. Any politician that filibusters more than one Bill in a two year period needs to be voted out of office. any politician that has been involved with a company that has filed for bankruptcy or personally has filed for bankruptcy needs not to be elected. Any politician that tries to insert pork into a Bill or earmark funds that only benefit a few rather than the majority of people needs to be voted out of office. If you have the chance to vote for a businessman over a Professional Politician please do it. Until our elected officials start compromising, talking across the aisle and voting for Bills that are for the good of the majority of people and not the special interest and the minority of people America will remain on the brink of collapse. If things don't change soon we all better call Rosetta Stone and learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese.
Our forefathers set up a Democracy where a two and sometimes three party system evolved. An exchange of ideas was supposed to take place and a compromise was supposed to be reached that would benefit and be for the good of the American people. All parties were working for the good of the American people. Since the Nixon administration our government has been degenerating into a bunch of spoiled school children that don't care about anything but themselves. Our Professional Politicians are more worried about filling their war chests for the next election than they are about the issues at hand. They need to take care of lobbyist and special interest groups who have money that can be funneled into their campaigns for reelection. Pork barrel and earmarks stall and overwhelm our economy not for the good of the majority of people but for the good of the politician and his wealthy influential friends.
Filibusters have reached an all time high where over 80% of all Bills in the past year were filibustered by the Republicans. I hear the Democrats rubbing their hands together waiting for me to pounce on their obstructionist opponents. Not today. Filibusters have been on a rise for the past decade which means that the Democrats started filibustering more and more Bills while they were the minority party during the Bush years. The Republicans have just taken it a step farther than the Democrats. Is the filibuster being done for the good of the American people? NOOOO. It is being done trying to disgrace the opposite party, so in the next election the Professional Politician can claim that the other party didn't get anything accomplished. In reality nobody accomplished anything other than take a paycheck out of my pocket.
No Politician is concerned about the American people any more and that is why we are in the mess we are in. They are too concerned about keeping their jobs and not about the issues. Politicians are not graded on their performance. They are graded on their looks and on how much money they can raise for their next campaign. Very few times does a candidate with less money in their war chest, than their opponent, win an election.
Voting along party lines does not help the American people either. It is done to preserve the Ideals of the radical Right and the radical Left. Most Professional Politicians come from the far Right or the far Left there are very few true centrists in politics. Yet I believe that around 70% of the American population falls somewhere in the middle, with 15% each going to the extreme Right or Left. So why don't these Professional Politicians do what would be good for 70% of the country and find some middle ground to agree on? Because they need the party backing for their next election. Independents don't usually win elections as is evident by the lack of number of them.
Most politicians are not good businessmen as is evident by the number of bankruptcies filed by congressmen and senators. So why are we entrusting these men with Trillions of dollars with no consequences if they fail to spend the money wisely, when they can't even take care of their own finances. Most politicians as a matter of fact are Attorneys not businessmen.
I think we need to get rid of PERS and have all public employees be dependent on Social security like the rest of us. I feel that all congressmen and senators should have to purchase their own health insurance like a private contractor has to. Any laws passed by Congress and the Senate should pertain to the politicians who pass them as well as all the rest of Americans. Lets stop letting Politicians who are not affected by certain laws vote on these issues. If they have such good ideas on what we need, then how come they are not covered by the same retirement system and insureance as we the people are? What makes them so special? Why don't they like the plans they have stuck us with? Things have got to change.
Any politician that votes strictly along party lines needs to be voted out of office. Any politician that filibusters more than one Bill in a two year period needs to be voted out of office. any politician that has been involved with a company that has filed for bankruptcy or personally has filed for bankruptcy needs not to be elected. Any politician that tries to insert pork into a Bill or earmark funds that only benefit a few rather than the majority of people needs to be voted out of office. If you have the chance to vote for a businessman over a Professional Politician please do it. Until our elected officials start compromising, talking across the aisle and voting for Bills that are for the good of the majority of people and not the special interest and the minority of people America will remain on the brink of collapse. If things don't change soon we all better call Rosetta Stone and learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Government Mule HOB 2/2/10
I tortured myself again and went to the House of Rules (House Of Blues) to see the capricious Government Mule on Tuesday. As good as the band was The house of rules staff and management drives me crazy. I have come to expect the invasion of privacy of being carded at the age of 53, the metal detector wand shoved up my crotch, groping at my front pockets they say to feel my keys and generally being molested without the simple courtesy of telling me they will call me tomorrow and respect me afterwards. What I didn't expect was to be told that if we sit in the HOB restaurant and eat dinner that our drinks are at full price and not at the Happy Hour prices listed. No, to get the Happy Hour prices you have to sit at one of the 15 seats at the bar. These people are unbelievable. Talk about misleading advertising. Plus you used to be able to get in early and get stools right next to the sound board. Not no more. The area next to the sound board is fenced off for special people who pay extra. In other words GA means there is very little chance that you are going to find a seat in the House of Rules. Joe, Michael and I were lucky we found three stools off to the right of the stage under the overhang. We were the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth people in the venue.
Gov't Mule took the stage and started out jamming hard off of their new CD with "Broke Down on The Brazos". Joe called that one while we were eating. They then sulked into "World Gone Wild". And had the crowd roaring for DA DA DA DA CHANG DA DA DA DA CHANG, Yep you guessed it "Thelonius Beck". They swerved and rolled through "Painted Silver Light", "I Think You Know What I Mean", "Railroad Boy". "Railroad Boy", " Monday Morning Meltdown" and "Gordon James" are all off of the new CD but the crowd was very receptive. Warren played "Gordon James" on the electric guitar rather than the acoustic guitar like on the CD. They finished out the first set with "Thirty Days In The Hole" what a classic.
The second set starts out with " Which Way Do We Run?". Again one of my favorites "Fools Moon". "Trying Not To Fall". Then here we go again with the band snaking through a medley of songs "The End", into a nine minute drum solo that the young girl in front of me kept jumping in the air whooping it up for, I guess she liked it. After the Drum Solo the Mule played "Stepping Lightly" off of the new CD and slid into "Mother Earth". They finish the set with "Mr. Man" and a little teaser of "Highway Star".
The encore is a soulful version of "Forevermore" off of the new CD. Whoo Hooo the last song is... just like my daddy used to say, Soulshine, is better than moonshine, better than sunshine, and damn sure better than rain. The whole crowd is singing to "Soulshine". What a killer ending to a show. "Soulshine" I love that song.
Warren Haynes' voice is spectacular and it is hard to pick a better guitarist than he is. Matt Abts as always was strong on the drums. Danny Luois is really starting to become an integral part of the band. His keyboard runs are fitting in better than when he first became a member of the band. Jorgen Carlsson has found his niche he isn't copying Allen Woody he is his own bass player. Over all a good show four twirls and some moth catcher hand moves. Maybe the Gestapo tactics by the House Of Rules hampered the experience for me. Got Mule?
Gov't Mule took the stage and started out jamming hard off of their new CD with "Broke Down on The Brazos". Joe called that one while we were eating. They then sulked into "World Gone Wild". And had the crowd roaring for DA DA DA DA CHANG DA DA DA DA CHANG, Yep you guessed it "Thelonius Beck". They swerved and rolled through "Painted Silver Light", "I Think You Know What I Mean", "Railroad Boy". "Railroad Boy", " Monday Morning Meltdown" and "Gordon James" are all off of the new CD but the crowd was very receptive. Warren played "Gordon James" on the electric guitar rather than the acoustic guitar like on the CD. They finished out the first set with "Thirty Days In The Hole" what a classic.
The second set starts out with " Which Way Do We Run?". Again one of my favorites "Fools Moon". "Trying Not To Fall". Then here we go again with the band snaking through a medley of songs "The End", into a nine minute drum solo that the young girl in front of me kept jumping in the air whooping it up for, I guess she liked it. After the Drum Solo the Mule played "Stepping Lightly" off of the new CD and slid into "Mother Earth". They finish the set with "Mr. Man" and a little teaser of "Highway Star".
The encore is a soulful version of "Forevermore" off of the new CD. Whoo Hooo the last song is... just like my daddy used to say, Soulshine, is better than moonshine, better than sunshine, and damn sure better than rain. The whole crowd is singing to "Soulshine". What a killer ending to a show. "Soulshine" I love that song.
Warren Haynes' voice is spectacular and it is hard to pick a better guitarist than he is. Matt Abts as always was strong on the drums. Danny Luois is really starting to become an integral part of the band. His keyboard runs are fitting in better than when he first became a member of the band. Jorgen Carlsson has found his niche he isn't copying Allen Woody he is his own bass player. Over all a good show four twirls and some moth catcher hand moves. Maybe the Gestapo tactics by the House Of Rules hampered the experience for me. Got Mule?
Government Mule HOB 2/2/10
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